Bliss … i would interpret it as complete happiness. Monsoon is a season where we get lot of rain round the clock. Im not going to talk about rain. But like to talk about the feeling i get in a gloomy rainy day, in such cold atmosphere and no other work but to be in bed, sometimes just looking around from window … I cannot express that feeling … but i really like … this is the time mostly I prepare a hot cup of tea or soup and going through my book collection to find a book that i can spend the day. or will go to netflix or check a downloaded movie or TV series which i can watch couple of episodes. I’m very selective when its come to movies or books, where irrelevant of it is a love story, comedy or any other topic, should impress me in the story line, and of course it subjective and relative…

Today is a day like that… now instead of reading .. here I’m typing in my iPad, sitting next to my window looking and enjoying the view outside.
I feel that anyone with the necessary tools can reach out to the world through social media, blogs, internet and we have been seeing that it can improve the socio-economic well being. I, myself benefits from internet in scope of my work, skills improvements, entertainment, communication, social footprint and also an entrepreneurship, whole new era is beginning as i feel.
Having said that I feel reluctant to say that it’s an all good deal, but I guess it all depends on the user it self. If we look at its ability to reach and connect, social media tops the list, sometimes it serves as an emergency response tool to form a sort of a highly resourceful communication network during devastating times to mobilise youth and resources. We have seen this during floods, landslides and many incidents and catastrophes that youth with their informative response through social media & internet have formed various kinds of volunteer services and this has helped the community while taking the social services to a greater level. on the other hand we are being talking about negative aspects of this as well.

However, i have decided to start a blog when everybody is moving to social media platforms from blog writing. Reason?, well I believe that owning a blog is having more control over content than sharing in social media while i can have my own digital space to share my the way i like. So I mostly like to share my travels, my work experiences, my free flow thoughts may be… and wide verity of topics which i can talk about …
So for now… let me finish my tea first, before it gets cold…. š